WSC Core Values
- WaterSystems Cleaning is the oldest and most recognized equipment service company in California specializing in cooling towers, fume scrubbers and air stripper towers. We have a lot to live up to every time we make a service call.
- Performance records of quality craftsmanship means we do it right the first time. Most of our customers are repeat customers that have grown accustom to our technicians and the reliability of their work.
- WSC procedures are proprietary and have been developed as ways to accomplish equipment service and improve reliability and performance. All procedures are consistent with manufacturers’ maintenance procedures and are ISO 14000 compliant.
- We employ experienced technicians. Their experience is magnified by specializing on towers and scrubbers only. The techs maintain equipment at over 100 facilities during each year. Our technicians take old fashion pride in maintaining our customers’ equipment.
- Safety Performance is outstanding. WSC has no time-loss accidents since 1986. Our technicians conduct a walk-around and tail-gate safety meeting prior to starting the job. We like to say that our zero accident record is no accident. To our technicians, their safety performance is just as important as their mechanical performance.
- WSC offers experienced technicians on call for emergency 7 days a week. We provide a phone number to an emergency technician should an incident occur with their equipment as part of our Annual Service Agreement.
WSC has delivered quality craftsmen at aggressive prices since 1986. Find out why customers continue to choose WaterSystems Cleaning. Call (510) 552-0426 today for a competitive proposal.